Teaching & Learning - Numeracy

River Valley School introduced the Oxford Maths program as a whole school approach to Mathematics. Using a school-wide program has many benefits for students, as they learn and use consistent vocabulary and are systematically introduced to strategies that are built upon in successive years.

At River Valley Primary School, we want all students to develop a love, enjoyment and understanding of Mathematics. To strive towards this goal, staff collaboratively plan, teach and assess Mathematics, drawing on a range of engaging digital, print and hands-on resources. Lessons are differentiated, sequenced experiences that provide students with explicit, collaborative and independent opportunities to explore mathematical concepts.

Created by a team of experts and based on educational research, the Oxford Maths program supports the development of students’ knowledge and understanding of the Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability strands of the Western Australian Curriculum. Staff utilise the program to build on students’ natural ability to develop deep understanding, number sense and confidence with efficient thinking strategies.

When it comes to Mathematics, River Valley Primary School and Oxford agree:

  • Learning is a social process that requires language and discourse.
  • Learning should offer multiple pathways for students of varying ability.
  • Learning should support the 'gradual release of responsibility'.
  • Learning should include a range of hands-on activities, small-group and whole-class tasks, practice exercises and open-ended problem-solving opportunities.  
  • Learning should help students make connections with mathematics in the real world and encourages higher-order thinking and reasoning.
  • Students who develop strong thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills grow into productive, innovative members of society.
  • Content taught conceptually, and in a logical, learner-friendly sequence develops deep understanding and success.
  • Technology empowers rather than replaces educators.